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Compass Christian Church
8137 Liberty Cir
Mechanicsville, VA 23111

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Phone: (804) 803-3840
All phone calls go to voicemail. Email communication is preferred.
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Facilitation Team
Teresa Gary
Susannah Lane
Board of Directors
Daniel and Amy Kobb
Marion and Teresa Gary
Matt and Susannah Lane
Aaron and Kristi Reynolds
Elton and Kristy Wade
Mark Beasley
Rick Hale
Areté : excellency, being pleasing to God, the excellence of God revealed in the work of salvation.

Areté denotes in a moral sense what gives man his worth, his efficiency.

In the New Testament:
virtue, excellency, perfection (1 Peter 2:9); the virtue as a force or energy of the Holy Spirit accompanying the preaching of the glorious Gospel, called glory in 2 Peter 1:3; human virtue in general (Philippians 4:8); courage fortitude, resolution (2 Pet. 1:5), moral excellence.

a•re•té(ahr - i - tey) n.moral excellence.
Origin: Greek - aretḗ